Structures For Inclusion 15

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The fifteenth Structures for Inclusion (SFI 15) conference was held April 11 and 12, 2015, in Detroit, Michigan, hosted by Lawrence Technological University (LTU). The annual conference will feature the best public interest design from around the globe, including the 2015 SEED Award winners.For fifteen years, the purpose of the SFI conference has been to bring together and share the best ideas and practices that are reaching those currently un-served by architecture. Bringing this conference to Detroit in April 2015 is quite fitting given Detroit’s position at a historic crossroad. “Resilience of Mind, Body and Spirit” will be the theme of SFI 15. Projects from Detroit and other resilient cities in search of a new kind of post-industrial world order.

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Full schedule here.

List of SFI 15 speakers here.


Super Early Bird (ends 2/20/15): $75
• SFI+PIDI: $250
Early Bird (ends 3/12/2015): $100
• SFI+PIDI: $275
Regular (starting 3/13/15): $150
• SFI+PIDI: $300

Super Early Bird (ends 2/20/15): $25
• SFI+PIDI: $200
Early Bird (ends 3/12/2015): $50
• SFI+PIDI: $225
Regular (starting 3/13/15): $75
• SFI+PIDI: $250

SFI: $25
SFI+PIDI: $160

Venue Location:
The Carr Center (except the keynote on campus)
Art Gallery
311 East Grand River Avenue, Detroit, MI 48226

SFI 15 Conference Committee:
• Amy Green Deines, Assoc. AIA, IIDA
• Joongsub Kim, PhD, AIA, AICP
• Edward Orlowski, AIA
• Scott Gerald Shall, AIA
The conference is co-organized by Design Corps.

SEED Awards Jurors:
• Susan Szenasy: Publisher / Editor in Chief, Metropolis Magazine
• Jason Roberts: Creative Director of Team Better Block
• Wes Janz: Professor of Architecture at Ball State University, Founder of
• Cathy Lang Ho: Writer, Curator, Contributing Editor to Architect magazine, Commissioner of U.S. Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale (2012)

Details on jury members here.